November 17-18, 2022
Shanghai • China
中文| English

Sponsorship Opportunities 

A) Platinum Sponsorship: US $22,000   (exclusive, and sold out)

    ·   Welcome Reception Banquet (Signage, toast speech, distribution of sponsor materials) 

    ·   One Tabletop Display 

    ·   6 Complimentary Summit registrations 

    ·   A speech delivery (20-25 minutes) 

    ·   Company logo to be recognized in all summit materials as the event sponsor 

    ·   A 150-word corporate introduction in English and Chinese to be printed in Summit’s distributed text materials and official website 

    ·   One A4 sized corporate ad in the conference booklet

    ·   30 percent discount on additional registrations 

B) Gold Sponsorship: US $10,000 

    ·   One Tabletop Display 

    ·   4 Complimentary Summit registrations 

    ·   Company logo to be recognized in all summit materials as the event sponsor 

    ·   A 150-word corporate introduction in English and Chinese to be printed in Summit’s distributed text materials and official website

    ·   One A4 sized corporate ad in the conference booklet

    ·   30 percent discount on additional registrations

C) Silver Sponsorship: US $7,200 

    ·   4 Complimentary Summit registrations 

    ·   Company logo to be recognized in all summit materials as the event sponsor 

    ·   A 150-word corporate introduction in English and Chinese to be printed in Summit’s distributed text materials and official website 

    ·   30 percent discount on additional registrations 

D) Bronze Sponsorship: US $4,300 

    ·   2 Complimentary Summit Registrations 

    ·   Insertion of the corporate brochure in the summit package for distribution 

    ·   30 percent discount on additional registrations

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